Press Pass 18: “M*A*S*H Move is Almost Like Starting New”

The first season of M*A*S*H was not a ratings success. Far from it, in fact. But the show’s second season was more successful and finished the year solidly in the top ten in ratings. While M*A*S*H did see some ratings success during the summer re-runs, it was CBS’s decisions to move the show from SundayContinue reading “Press Pass 18: “M*A*S*H Move is Almost Like Starting New””

Press Pass 12: “The Move that was ‘Almost Permanent'”

The first episode of season five is called “Bug Out,” and in it, the 4077th has to pack everything up and move down the road. We see how much work and effort went in to moving a MASH unit, but what I am sure many fans don’t know is that M*A*S*H almost had to bugContinue reading “Press Pass 12: “The Move that was ‘Almost Permanent’””

MishM*A*S*H 9: M*A*S*H Video Games (1983)

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, video games were gaining in popularity. 20th Century Fox joined in on the action by creating a division called Fox Video Games. The idea was to create games for popular platforms using Fox’s intellectual property. At the time, many studios would license their IP to other video gameContinue reading “MishM*A*S*H 9: M*A*S*H Video Games (1983)”

MishM*A*S*H 7: Bradley Time Watches and Concept Drawings

M*A*S*H has spun off countless licensed products over the last fifty years, and it isn’t too often you get to see the finished products along with some of the documentation from the development process. This week, let’s take a look at two watches produced by Bradley Time Division (at the time part of Elgin). WeContinue reading “MishM*A*S*H 7: Bradley Time Watches and Concept Drawings”