Script Spotlight 33: “Father’s Day”

In a few weeks, we will celebrate Father’s Day in the United States, and for June’s script spotlight, I felt like the best episode choice was “Father’s Day” (09×04). This episode has a lot going for it. It has a strong A-story, we get to meet Margaret’s infamous father, the B-story is light hearted andContinue reading “Script Spotlight 33: “Father’s Day””

Script Spotlight 23: “Wheelers and Dealers”

Since August 27th is G.W. Bailey’s birthday, I wanted to feature an episode in which he played a key role. As I was looking through some scripts, I found the episode “Wheelers and Dealers” (10×05), and all I could hear was Rizzo saying “vee-hicle.” That made this the obvious choice since it features Bailey’s comedyContinue reading “Script Spotlight 23: “Wheelers and Dealers””

Press Pass 20: “Burt Metcalfe Promotes Quartet to M*A*S*H Creative Positions”

In the summer of 1981, M*A*S*H was headed into its tenth season, and executive producer Burt Metcalfe had been at the helm of the show since Larry Gelbart left the series after the fourth season. Metcalfe had creative control, and this week’s press release announces some decisions he made in the show’s creative staff. ThisContinue reading “Press Pass 20: “Burt Metcalfe Promotes Quartet to M*A*S*H Creative Positions””