Press Pass 29: “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” Press Photo Collages

UPDATE: 2/12/2024: Thanks to Dan Harrison, I have added another reason why “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” was aired once again on CBS in September 1983. On February 28, 1983, an estimated 60% of American households gathered around their TV sets to watch the finale of M*A*S*H. It was a huge ratings success for CBS, andContinue reading “Press Pass 29: “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” Press Photo Collages”

M*A*S*H-ish 9: MASH Film 30th Anniversary Reunion (2000)

January 25 marks the anniversary of the release of M*A*S*H (1970) in theaters across the United States. When the movie was released, it was not expected to perform well, and its low budget was evidence of that. However, events of the late 1960s and early 1970s, specifically the Vietnam War, led to the dark satireContinue reading “M*A*S*H-ish 9: MASH Film 30th Anniversary Reunion (2000)”

Script Spotlight 27: “Dear Sis”

It is hard to believe we are already in the final month of 2023, which means that the holiday season is upon us. I looked back at my December posts for the past two years, and I realized that I had already covered one Christmas Episode (“Death Takes a Holiday (09×05)), and one Boxing DayContinue reading “Script Spotlight 27: “Dear Sis””

MishM*A*S*H 25: Donruss Bubble Gum/Trading Cards

In 1982, the year in which M*A*S*H began its final season, the trading card company Donruss released a series of M*A*S*H trading cards. These cards were packaged with gum, and you could try to collect all 66 of the cards. On the front the card was a cast member photo, cast photo, or a screenshotContinue reading “MishM*A*S*H 25: Donruss Bubble Gum/Trading Cards”