Script Spotlight 33: “Father’s Day”

In a few weeks, we will celebrate Father’s Day in the United States, and for June’s script spotlight, I felt like the best episode choice was “Father’s Day” (09×04). This episode has a lot going for it. It has a strong A-story, we get to meet Margaret’s infamous father, the B-story is light hearted andContinue reading “Script Spotlight 33: “Father’s Day””

Press Pass 29: “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” Press Photo Collages

UPDATE: 2/12/2024: Thanks to Dan Harrison, I have added another reason why “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” was aired once again on CBS in September 1983. On February 28, 1983, an estimated 60% of American households gathered around their TV sets to watch the finale of M*A*S*H. It was a huge ratings success for CBS, andContinue reading “Press Pass 29: “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” Press Photo Collages”

MishM*A*S*H 25: Donruss Bubble Gum/Trading Cards

In 1982, the year in which M*A*S*H began its final season, the trading card company Donruss released a series of M*A*S*H trading cards. These cards were packaged with gum, and you could try to collect all 66 of the cards. On the front the card was a cast member photo, cast photo, or a screenshotContinue reading “MishM*A*S*H 25: Donruss Bubble Gum/Trading Cards”

Script Spotlight 23: “Wheelers and Dealers”

Since August 27th is G.W. Bailey’s birthday, I wanted to feature an episode in which he played a key role. As I was looking through some scripts, I found the episode “Wheelers and Dealers” (10×05), and all I could hear was Rizzo saying “vee-hicle.” That made this the obvious choice since it features Bailey’s comedyContinue reading “Script Spotlight 23: “Wheelers and Dealers””